Review, develop and disseminate organizational policies for a microfinance institution
Partner Organization: Ambition Services Pvt Ltd
Year: 2022
Geography: Delhi (India)
Samavit was mandated to provide the following services to Ambition:
- Review and revise existing policies and manuals (operations manual, HR manual, internal audit manuals, risk management manual)
- Draft the following new policies: Prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) policy, whistleblower policy, Information security & data backup policy, password policy, USB/ Internet access policy, data privacy, cyber security policies, fair practice code, KYC and AML policy, corporate governance policy, code of conduct for board of directors, related party transaction policy, grievance redressal policy, non-coercive recovery practice, policy on preservation of documents, business continuity plan, client protection policy
- Internalization (dissemination, orientation): Review the existing training manual for the branch team, sync the training manual with the updated ops policy/manual, develop training module based on HR manual for the branch and HO staff, develop training module for internal audit team based on IAC manual, conduct a day workshop with the HO team on the newly drafted HR and Ops policies.
The existing policies of Ambition was reviewed. The senior management team was interviewed to map their expectation of developing policies for different departments.
Samavit team reviewed and revised existing policies and manuals (operations manual, HR manual, internal audit manuals, risk management manual). Besides, quite a few new policies were developed from scratch: Prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) policy, whistleblower policy, Information security & data backup policy, password policy, USB/ Internet access policy, data privacy, cyber security policies, fair practice code, KYC and AML policy, corporate governance policy, code of conduct for board of directors, related party transaction policy, grievance redressal policy, non-coercive recovery practice, policy on preservation of documents, business continuity plan, client protection policy.