
Our Expertise
Innovative Solutions
Our institutional development services focus on strengthening the core functions and processes of organizations. We provide strategic planning support, facilitate organisation process re-engineering, and offer due-diligence expertise. Our team also designs and delivers comprehensive training programs to enhance the capabilities of our partners’ teams. With a keen focus on social performance management, we empower organizations to optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth.

Key Projects :

  • Analysis of a livelihood business model and preparation of an investor pitch deck
  • Focused program implementation capacity development of local partner sub-awardees under Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity (MRITE) project
  • Technical assistance for exploring and serving education finance market in India
  • Livelihood Enhancement Plan for project-affected beneficiaries of Ghaziabad Aligarh Expressway
  • Development of climate-resilient business plan for the farmer producer companies
  • Conduct training of trainers on Business growth through market linkage and adoption of digital payment by women entrepreneurs
  • Market Assessment of GreenCHILL 2.0
  • Capacity building training of WASH entrepreneurs and service providers
  • Training program on engaging SHG members as BC agents
  • Developed digital financial literacy module and organise TOT on the module
  • Review of financial education modules developed under ‘GramShakti’ project for Financial Health Workers
  • Business modelling of livelihoods value chain (farm produce, goat, vegetables) in Bihar
  • Designing improved cook stoves (ICS) financial products for Self-Help Groups under the SWITCH Asia – II: BACHAT Project
  • Developed micro-enterprise development (MED) framework and demand generation manual solar micro-grid energy service companies (e.g. TATA Power, Mlinda)
  • Technical assistance to financial institutions in serving and expanding education finance market in select Asian countries
  • Provide technical expertise and leadership on rural financial inclusion project
  • Training on financial management and entrepreneurship for village level entrepreneurs (VLE)
  • Develop and deliver need-based financial education modules to students of NavGurukul
  • Review, development and dissemination of organisational policies (HR manual, operations manual, internal audit manaual, risk management, governance policies) for a microfinance institution
  • Strategic Planning, Organisational Structure Review of CDOT. Revamping SOP for CDOT’s Community Health Facilitators, BC network management services